Singing is his talent and his voice has healing ability, guess who?

今日:3 hit、昨日:2 hit、合計:327 hit

更新: 2022/03/29 3:24:21

There are many singers in the industry who has singing talent that could make you a fan of them but the ability of his singing can heal the pain. He is still the best among all and is considered a senior in the singing industry because he is singing since the year 1992. Today he is an actor, director, producer, and singer who is now an idol, mentor of the coming generation.

The net worth of Sonu Nigam is around 370 crore and that is only due to his immense efforts in this industry. From all over the country, there are many fans of him including boys and girls and most of them follow him sincerely. He has taken all the required knowledge about singing from the renowned mentor and learned several languages.



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